Claim Payment Transparency

There is no doubt that health care costs continue to rise. This factor coincides with increased expectations for quality of service. Moreover, provider and member relations are facing increased strain, and claim administration is becoming more costly and complex.

As a leader in health care cost containment, ConSova is constantly exploring new ways of improving claim payment accuracy. We realize that small inaccuracies in claim processing, when left unaddressed, can have a significant financial impact. Yet, with greater transparency in claim administration, there resides a significant opportunity to identify payment errors and take concrete measures to avoid costly reoccurrences.

Let Our Technology Work on Your Behalf

Through our Claim Payment Transparency service, ConSova has developed a means by which our clients can avoid these costly errors. ConSova has fully integrated its domain knowledge with the latest advances in data mining to deliver significant savings in claims processing. Thanks to our Claim Payment Transparency service, ConSova enables payers to limit, or possibly even eliminate, exposure to payment errors. In the process, significant savings are ensured.

Expect More Savings

In contrast to traditional claim audits, which only address the symptoms, ConSova’s Claim Payment Transparency service addresses the root causes of payment variance.

As a result, payers can:

However, it is important to note that our Claim Payment Transparency service assists our clients in more ways than just financial ones. Claim Payment Transparency affords payers the opportunity to improve member and provider relations through greater payment accuracy.

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Data Sheet
Claim Payment Transparency Data Sheet