Other Coverage Verification

Many employers are implementing working spouse rules such as a spouse surcharge or exclusion/carve-out rule as a way to continue to offset costs.  The challenge they face is how to ensure that all of the appropriate employees are participating as they should.  To date, the honor system has been the most popular solution. 

ConSova is a pioneer in many areas of the healthcare cost containment industry and one of those areas is Other Coverage Verification. This service was developed to assist our clients by truly verifying whether or not other coverage is actually available to an employee’s spouse or not.  This allows plan managers to truly maximize the value of the established working spouse rule. ConSova maintains a track record of often tripling participation in these rules once our Other Coverage verification process is completed.  Without this type of comprehensive verification, you could be losing hundreds of thousands of dollars due to inaccurate collection of surcharges and unnecessary coverage.

Consider that on average the utilization expense for every spouse or domestic partner is $5,100 per year. Clearly, these figures do translate into significant added expenses for your organization. ConSova excels in addressing this issue. Just as we assist your organization with Dependent Eligibility Verification, we can do the same for Other Coverage Verification.

Contact us today to learn more about how ConSova can help your organization with other coverage verification.

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